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HomeBusinessCCFT Laboratories: Warranting Beauty Products Cruelty-Free

CCFT Laboratories: Warranting Beauty Products Cruelty-Free

In championing cruelty-free testing, CCFT Laboratories not only upholds the tenets of ethical probity but also advocates for a more sustainable and empathetic future, thereby redefining the essence of true beauty

The Centre for Cruelty-free Testing Laboratories (CCFT Laboratories) stands as a paragon among cruelty-free institutions, adhering rigorously to ISO/IEC 17065 standards. This compliance ensures that every certification granted is not only ethical but is subjected to the most stringent and advanced assessment methodologies. Recently, CCFT Laboratories garnered accolades as the premier cruelty-free laboratory in South Asia. As an eminent research entity, CCFT transcends mere documentation, undertaking meticulous laboratory assessments to substantiate the veracity of claims.

Moreover, CCFT engages in extensive clinical trials for safety assessments, encompassing dermatologically tested claims such as PIS, CIPT, and HRIPT. The efficacy tests they conduct are comprehensive, addressing concerns like anti-acne, anti-pollution, anti-aging, skin whitening, non-comedogenic properties, antiperspirants, and fundamental makeup studies.

In an exclusive dialogue with The Interview World, Puneet Mittal, the CEO of CCFT Laboratories, elucidates the intricacies of cruelty-free cosmetic testing. He expounds on the cutting-edge technologies employed in these assessments, while also delineating his current operational strategies and visionary future plans. Presented here are the salient insights from his illuminating interview.

Q: Could you please provide information on the methods and practices CCFT Laboratories employs to ensure their testing is cruelty-free?

A: Initially, numerous formulations, spanning medical devices and cosmetics alike, relied on guinea pigs and rabbits for experiments, particularly testing irritation and sensitization. Recent years have seen a belated revision of these methods, with a scarcity of labs initially embracing these advancements. Recognizing this shortfall, we undertook the mantle of educating stakeholders on conducting experiments ethically, transcending both medical devices and skincare domains.

Presently, scant few companies persist in the archaic practice of animal testing. Our proactive educational endeavors have borne fruit, now serving approximately 50% of Indian skincare enterprises, all proudly adhering to cruelty-free principles.

Moreover, larger certifying bodies faced scrutiny for issuing vegan certifications based solely on ingredient lists, a dubious practice lacking in ethical rigor. Consider the example of vitamin D, where its source—vegan or animal—cannot be definitively discerned through document scrutiny alone. In our laboratory, we meticulously verify the absence of animal DNA, protein, and fiber. Only upon confirming these criteria do we grant our certification, ensuring integrity beyond reproach.

Q: Can you describe the technologies you are utilizing for these tests?

A: In our facility, we currently house 18 cutting-edge laboratories encompassing technologies such as nanotech, cell cultures, and tissue culture. Human testing is part of our protocol. However, unlike entities that recklessly test on humans, we staunchly uphold cruelty-free principles. While animal testing was once deemed humane, subjecting humans to such trials raises ethical red flags.

Our methodology begins with rigorous validation of a product’s efficacy. For instance, in the case of an acne treatment, we meticulously verify its ability to combat the P-acne bacteria in our labs. Only upon thorough confirmation does it progress to human trials, adhering to pharmaceutical norms.

We endeavor to standardize and elevate our practices, ensuring unwavering commitment to cruelty-free ethics.

Q: Who are your competitors in India?

A: We are down to just two others, with us making it three in total. Establishing these facilities demands considerable investment, given the steep cost of equipment. A single CEM, for instance, can set you back approximately three crores, making this a modest venture. To set up a laboratory of this stature, substantial capital is essential. Yet, with three such laboratories operational in India, we stand out notably, given that some nations lack any similar infrastructure.

Therefore, it behooves us to take pride in the fact that India hosts three such pioneering laboratories engaged in cutting-edge research on both human and cell lines.

Q: Do you also offer services to multinational companies?

A: Four years ago, we secured our inaugural international client. In 2020, pivoting to the domestic sphere, we commenced from ground zero in India. Since then, our clientele burgeoned impressively, tallying 1,200 in India and an anticipated 100 abroad, summing up to a formidable 1,300 globally.

Q: What are your long-term goals for the next five to ten years?

A: Over the forthcoming decade, our objective is to steadfastly consolidate our prominent standing in a pivotal market. Our strategic imperatives underscore the imperative of ongoing enlightenment initiatives. Our pursuit is not mere numerical ascendancy, but rather the perpetuation of our profound impact and enduring influence in the industry through targeted educational endeavors.

CCFT Laboratories – A Pioneer in Cruelty-Free Testing of Cosmetic and Medicinal Products
CCFT Laboratories – A Pioneer in Cruelty-Free Testing of Cosmetic and Medicinal Products


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