The Interview World

Artikamart, spearheaded by Art Vatika Institute, stands at the forefront of the domestic cosmetic raw materials industry, driven by a singular commitment: to democratize access to high-quality ingredients. Rooted in a customer-first ethos, Artikamart meticulously crafts its offerings to not only meet but exceed the diverse and discerning needs of its clientele.

Central to Artikamart’s philosophy is its unwavering dedication to natural solutions. The company specializes in extracting colors and fragrances directly from plants, ensuring a purity that excludes any synthetic chemicals. This rigorous standard not only guarantees exceptional quality but also underscores Artikamart’s steadfast alignment with environmental sustainability principles.

Clients worldwide place their trust in Artikamart knowing they’ll receive more than just products—they receive a promise of excellence. With a relentless focus on service and professionalism, Artikamart consistently delivers on its commitment to elevate standards and redefine industry benchmarks.

At Artikamart, innovation meets integrity, empowering businesses and individuals alike to create with confidence, knowing they have a partner dedicated to their success and the uncompromising quality of their creations.

In an exclusive exchange with The Interview World, Anjala Aggarwal, Founder of Artikamart and Art Vatika Institute, discusses her entrepreneurial journey, focusing on empowering women through skill development and training. Furthermore, she elaborates on her inspiration behind starting a venture in cosmetic raw material sales and shares her long-term aspirations. Here are the key highlights from her interview.

Q: Could you please provide an overview of your company?

A: I lead Art Vatika Institute, a premier institution offering comprehensive cosmetic courses. Through Artikamart, our robust online platform, we distribute top-quality raw materials for soaps and candles nationwide and globally via strategic import-export channels.

My passion lies in partnering with an NGO dedicated to advancing women’s empowerment. Moreover, I envision pioneering free, specialized training programs for economically disadvantaged women, equipping them with invaluable skills for personal and professional growth. By sharing my expertise and resources, I aim to catalyze lasting impact, fostering self-sufficiency and opportunity among these deserving women.

Q: What is the number of women benefiting from your training program?

A: I have provided training to over 10,000 women, equipping them with essential skills and empowering them to succeed in their professional endeavors. This reflects my passion for transforming women into entrepreneurs.

Q: Can you take us through your journey and the key milestones shaping your entrepreneurial mission?

A: Amidst the challenges of the pandemic, I embarked on a journey driven by a desire to support educators who were struggling. Hearing from teachers who had lost their livelihoods prompted me to establish my business. Concurrently, my book, “Dreams Into Reality,” served as both inspiration and guide during this transformative period.

Drawing on three decades of experience, I had previously founded the Art Vatika Institute, a hub for artistic expression, before my marriage in 1996. Following a brief hiatus post-marriage, I rediscovered my passion and reignited my entrepreneurial spirit. This resurgence coincided with the pandemic, a time when I found myself with more time to explore creative pursuits.

Utilizing my YouTube platform, Art Vatika Institute, originally intended for showcasing cooking skills, I expanded into crafting handmade soaps and candles. Encouraged by the positive reception from viewers, I ventured into production and sales, finding immense joy in seeing my creations resonate with customers. The fulfillment of achieving financial returns not only validates my efforts but also underscores the impact of pursuing one’s passions in times of adversity.

Q: What inspired your decision to venture into selling cosmetic raw materials, and how did you identify this niche as a viable business opportunity?

A: The inspiration to sell raw materials stemmed from my experience teaching courses, where students often struggled to procure essential ingredients such as soap base and colorants. Their persistent requests for these materials led me to innovate: I began offering complimentary kits, ensuring they had everything needed to succeed in soap-making. This gesture quickly gained popularity due to my steadfast dedication to quality.

As interest in my kits surged, students increasingly asked to buy raw materials directly from me. Responding to this demand, I shifted my focus from teaching courses to supplying raw materials exclusively. This strategic pivot marked a turning point, fueling the growth of my business.

Currently, I manage seven online courses, continuing to educate and empower aspiring artisans. Looking forward, my vision extends to establishing an institute that consolidates all my educational offerings. Here, I plan to expand beyond soap-making, offering comprehensive courses on crafting creams, lotions, and more. This future expansion also aims to meet the evolving needs of enthusiasts seeking to learn and excel in the art of cosmetic formulation and production.

Q: Reflecting on this journey, how would you describe your current emotions?

A: I have successfully reached my intended milestone and now stand poised to take the final step towards founding an institute. Those who share my vision are encouraged to join me in this endeavor. My primary goal is to provide tuition-free education exclusively for women. Personally, I find little satisfaction without the opportunity to give back to the community. Hence, my ambition is to pursue both aspirations concurrently, ensuring meaningful impact and fulfillment.

Q: What are your primary goals and aspirations for the next five years?

A: In the next five years, my goal is to establish a prominent institute offering a range of courses. Additionally, I plan to launch a spa that manufactures its own line of products, leveraging my expertise in candle-making. Candles have become integral to spa environments today, where a wide array of beauty products are also in demand. Our approach also involves crafting these products from raw materials in-house, ensuring quality and enabling direct sales.

Q: Could you please elaborate on your market reach? Do you primarily sell these products within India, or do you also engage in exports to other countries?

A: We hold a nationwide license for sales across India and actively export our products to Nepal. Our procurement strategy includes importing raw materials directly from China, with a specific focus on ordering molds.

Art Vatika Institute – Transforming Women into Entrepreneurs in Cosmetics through Skilling
Art Vatika Institute – Transforming Women into Entrepreneurs in Cosmetics through Skilling

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  • Nice

  • Your blog is a treasure trove of valuable insights and thought-provoking commentary. Your dedication to your craft is evident in every word you write. Keep up the fantastic work!

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