The Interview World

Kushal Kulkarni, the acclaimed author of The Unstoppable You: The Journey of a Guy Embracing Life after Blindness, published by Clever Fox Publishing, is an award-winning online coach who has turned adversity into a powerful source of strength. He firmly believes that challenges can become stepping stones to success with the right guidance from a mentor who has lived through them. In his book, he shares his personal journey—how a rare eye disease gradually robbed him of his sight at a young age, transforming his world. Although this loss was profoundly difficult to accept, time, he reveals, became a great healer. Through it, he discovered countless opportunities amid his struggles and learned how to embrace life after blindness.

Having conquered the adversity of transitioning from sighted to blind, Kushal developed a growth mindset that kept him productively engaged. With determination and resilience, he built his coaching business from the ground up. Today, he helps other coaches accelerate their businesses, boosting revenue with his proven productivity strategies—all while avoiding overwhelm, laziness, and procrastination.

Kushal maintains that even in the most shattered and challenging moments, a positive attitude can transform what seem like burdens into blessings in disguise. He believes that while challenges are inevitable, it is our response to them that defines us. His unique journey—from sighted to blind—serves as a testament to overcoming adversity, offering a universal message of resilience and embracing life’s endless possibilities. As Kushal navigates his world in a new way, he uncovers unexpected beauty and learns profound lessons on gratitude, resilience, and what it truly means to live a fulfilling life.

In an exclusive conversation with The Interview World, Kushal reveals the inspiration behind writing The Unstoppable You, offers a brief overview of the book, and discusses its role in supporting specially-abled individuals. He also reflects on the key challenges he faced while writing the book, highlights how technology played a pivotal role in the process, and shares his exciting plans for the future. Here are the compelling insights from his conversation.

Q: What inspired you to write The Unstoppable You, and what key message or vision did you aim to convey through it?

A: To be completely honest, there was no specific intention behind writing the book The Unstoppable You: The Journey of a Guy Embracing Life after Blindness. For a long time, people would tell me, “You have such an inspiring story—why don’t you write a book?”

I never envisioned myself as an author, but as I began reflecting on my past, I uncovered many positive aspects of my journey. The writing process flowed effortlessly. I didn’t approach it with a set plan; instead, the book began to take shape on its own. As it unfolded, I realized that it was a blessing, one deeply rooted in the love and guidance of my mother and parents. The book’s evolution felt entirely natural.

Q: Can you give us a brief overview of the plot of The Unstoppable You?

A: I was not born blind; my vision was taken from me by a rare eye disease. This book chronicles the transformative journey from sighted to blind, detailing the trials of adapting to a new world. It delves into the struggles I endured, the obstacles that stood in my path, and the profound lessons that emerged from each experience.

I am a firm believer that within every setback lies a hidden opportunity—if only we have the vision to uncover it. This book is a testament to resilience and mindset. Challenges are inevitable; what matters is how we respond. Through shifting perspectives, my book illustrates how we can turn adversity into a powerful catalyst for personal growth.

Q: How does this book empower and support specially-abled individuals?

A: I prefer the term “specially challenged” because challenges are not limited to the physical—they often manifest mentally as well. My blindness is outwardly visible, so others easily recognize it as a challenge. Yet, many individuals silently struggle with internal battles that are just as profound.

This book is designed to shift mindsets. If someone like me—once sighted, now blind—can not only survive but thrive, then anyone can. It all comes down to mindset. Challenges themselves do not hold us back; it is our perspective that does. The moment we embrace a positive mindset, everything changes. Through this book, readers will be inspired to view challenges as stepping stones for growth.

Q: What was your journey like while writing The Unstoppable You, and what were the key challenges or insights you gained?

A: At first, I saw the act of writing a book as a simple task. But as the process unfolded, I found myself immersed in something much deeper. It’s difficult to capture in words, but the experience of writing became an emotionally transformative journey.

Revisiting my past was no easy feat—reliving the moments when I lost my eyesight and underwent that painful transition was overwhelming. Yet, by the time I completed the book, I had reconciled with my past. Writing it became a healing process. I no longer fear those memories because I’ve confronted and accepted them. That chapter is closed, and now, I focus on embracing the present.

Q: How did technology assist you in the writing process of the book, and what tools or innovations played a key role?

A: Technology has been nothing short of transformative. I am profoundly grateful to the brilliant minds behind these innovations. Steve Jobs revolutionized communication with the iPhone, while other visionaries developed screen readers—tools that have fundamentally changed my life.

Though I lost my sight, my other senses adapted. My ears process sounds, my brain interprets information, and, crucially, assistive technology fills the gaps. Thanks to these advancements, I’ve regained digital independence, making my life exponentially easier.

Q: What are your future plans, and do you have any upcoming projects in the pipeline?

A: I haven’t made detailed plans yet, but I am actively engaged in the productivity and coaching business. At this moment, my focus is on selfless service. I truly believe I have been called to this path, and I am committed to serving to the best of my ability. I’m eager to see what the future holds—not just for me, but for others as well.

The Unstoppable You - A Tale of Transformation and Triumph
The Unstoppable You – A Tale of Transformation and Triumph

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