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HomePoliticsPriyanka Gandhi Unmasks BJP’s Diversion Tactics in Politics

Priyanka Gandhi Unmasks BJP’s Diversion Tactics in Politics

Priyanka Gandhi grinds the BJP's claims and political strategies, challenges Modi's unfulfilled promises, and denounces the 400-seat boast as rhetoric

Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, the stalwart of the Congress, has spearheaded an uncompromising crusade throughout the nation. Unyielding and relentless, she immersed herself in the heartlands of Raebareli and Amethi for a solid fortnight, rallying fervently for her brother Rahul Gandhi, and KL Sharma. Emerging from the trenches of her campaign, Priyanka Gandhi engaged in a gripping tête-à-tête with seasoned journalist Ravindra Ojha, representing The Interview World. Their discourse traversed the battlegrounds of strategic evaluations, incendiary political rhetoric, the thunderous “Modi ki Guarantee” campaign, Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s relentless assaults on the Congress, and the bombastic BJP’s audacious “400-plus” battle cry. Herein lies the unyielding essence distilled from this high-octane interview.

Q: What are the implications of the BJP’s ‘400 paar’ slogan, and has it had the opposite effect than intended?

A: The discourse has shifted away from that topic; therefore, it’s advisable to inquire from the relevant sources directly. The initial statement appeared as an unwarranted exaggeration stemming from a sense of superiority. Remarkably, following four rounds of polling, it has vanished not only from the rhetoric of BJP leaders but also from mainstream media coverage.

What has sparked considerable concern among the populace is the assertion by several BJP candidates and officials that surpassing 400 seats would warrant a revision of the Indian Constitution. The Constitution of India safeguards the rights of its citizens, encompassing crucial aspects such as voting rights, reservations, access to food, education, and the freedom to protest.

Given the track record of this administration in eroding democratic institutions over the past decade, there is legitimate doubt regarding its commitment to upholding constitutional principles and reinforcing democratic norms. There are numerous instances where those in power undermined democratically elected state governments, incarcerated chief ministers during elections, and stifled opposition party finances. Furthermore, undemocratic tactics like expelling MPs from Parliament, passing laws without adequate debate, and employing state apparatuses to target political rivals have been observed.

Understandably, people are apprehensive and vigilant. The Modi government has demonstrated a willingness to resort to any means necessary to maintain unchecked authority.

Q: Given the BJP’s claim of securing over 400 seats, how do you respond to this assertion?

A: Upon what criteria do they claim to secure 400 seats? Are they relying on divination? They must have undertaken prior actions to anticipate such a result, otherwise, their assertion lacks credibility.

In the present context of fair electoral practices, devoid of electronic voting machine manipulation, I assert with certainty that their seat count will not surpass 180.

Their discourse notably avoids addressing pressing issues such as unemployment, inflation, and the struggles of farmers and women. Instead, they engage in diversionary tactics to sway public attention.

There exists a palpable desire among the populace for transformative politics, as evidenced by the lack of progress in the lives of ordinary citizens over the past decade. Unemployment persists, inflation remains unchecked, and financial hardships prevail. It appears that leaders are overlooking pertinent matters, perhaps due to a disconnect between them and the realities faced by the populace.

Q: What are the implications of the INDIA bloc and Congress campaign focusing on issues such as caste census, unemployment, price rise, and misgovernance? Do these concerns truly resonate with the populace, and if so, how do they impact the electorate’s perceptions and decisions?

A: The issue at hand transcends mere confidence; it entails a sober assessment of the realities affecting the populace. Presently, all segments of society, from the impoverished to the farming community and the middle class, are grappling with profound challenges. Inflation has soared to unprecedented levels, while unemployment has surged to its highest point in 45 years, leaving seventy crore Indians without jobs. These pressing concerns resonate within every household, affecting families across the nation. Neglecting these issues and resorting to diversionary tactics in public discourse is an affront to the electorate, who yearn for meaningful solutions.

These issues resonate deeply with the populace. The Prime Minister’s remarks about the Congress manifesto, likening it to stealing buffaloes, elicit either derision or indignation from ordinary citizens. They rightfully expect a leader of dignity and stature, and such comments only erode trust. Although some may attempt humor, the stark reality remains: families struggle to put food on the table, and many cannot make ends meet despite having multiple breadwinners. Furthermore, the agricultural sector faces immense challenges, compounded by the burden of GST on essential farming inputs.

Q: How would you assess the campaign and strategy, given that more than half of the election is complete, based on your active engagement and the polling data thus far?

A: There appears to be a mounting opposition against the BJP, evident in various contexts. Across the nation, there’s palpable discontent among the populace regarding a political landscape seemingly detached from addressing their pressing concerns. This sentiment is widespread, cutting across socioeconomic divides – whether among the impoverished, the agricultural community, the labor force, or the middle class. The populace is clamoring for substantive solutions, urging politicians to be held accountable for their decisions. What they desire is a governance framework that prioritizes development and prosperity for all. This prevailing sentiment seems to resonate in the outcomes of recent polling exercises.

Q: What trends and shifts are shaping the trajectory of contemporary political discourse?

A: The political discourse has escalated significantly. Instead of addressing pressing issues like unemployment and inflation, attention is diverted to incidents like buffalo and mangalsutra thefts. The BJP fails to outline concrete plans for addressing these economic challenges. In contrast, the Congress emphasizes its commitment to addressing people’s concerns and offering tangible solutions to alleviate their hardships.

Q: How integral do you perceive the concept of the ‘idea of India’ to be in shaping the discourse and outcomes of this election?

A: Absolutely, indeed it is. Over the past decade, our governance has been shaped by the RSS and BJP ideologies. During this period, democratic institutions have faced erosion, with Parliament relegated to a mere rubber stamp. Educational curriculums have been scrubbed of historical facts to align with their worldview. Additionally, the judiciary has faced undue influence, certain societal groups have been unjustly targeted, and divisive narratives have been propagated.

Moreover, media independence has been compromised, governmental bodies have been weaponized against political opposition, and fundamental constitutional principles have been undermined. Today, the very essence of our democracy is under threat.

Our struggle is reminiscent of the vision and sacrifices of leaders like Gandhiji, Nehruji, and Sardar Patel, along with countless freedom fighters. They laid the foundation for a nation that stands as a beacon of diversity, resilience, and pluralism in the subcontinent. Our democratic and secular ethos has been instrumental in our progress, safeguarding us from the fate of failed states in our vicinity.

Indeed, the significance of our democracy cannot be overstated.

Q: What factors contribute to the BJP’s confidence in ‘Modi ki guarantee,’ and how do they perceive its impact on their political standing and agenda?

A: Over the past decade, the commitments made by Prime Minister Modi have largely remained unfulfilled. Consequently, there arises a pertinent question: why should we accord credibility to his purported “guarantees”?

Q: How did you arrive at the decision not to contest in the 2024 general elections?

A: In these constituencies, remote campaigning simply won’t suffice. We share deep-rooted connections with the community, having devoted years to serving them. Residents anticipate our engagement, expecting us to visit their homes and be present among them. Having spent considerable time here, the decision was pragmatic. While Priyanka and Rahul Gandhi were engaged in nationwide campaigning, simultaneous presence in both constituencies was impractical. It’s only fitting that both of us engage directly with constituents. Hence, we concluded that while Rahul continues national campaigning, I will oversee these two elections.

Q: Could you share your perspective on the frequent characterization of your brother as ‘shehzada’ by Modi, particularly in the context of concerns regarding dynastic politics?

A: It appears that he has softened his stance, welcoming numerous individuals from political dynasties into his party’s fold. This trend has become particularly pronounced within the BJP, surpassing other political factions. However, the prime minister’s rhetoric often lacks consistency, selectively applying principles to everyone except himself and his party.

Q: What are the prospects for the INDIA bloc in the last two phases of the Uttar Pradesh elections? Additionally, do you think the alliance between Congress and the Samajwadi Party (SP) will remain strong through the 2027 state elections?

A: There’s a discernible undercurrent gaining visibility as the elections unfold. The alliance exhibits remarkable unity and effectiveness. Consequently, I anticipate highly favorable outcomes in Uttar Pradesh for our coalition.

As previously stated, our team is functioning exceptionally well, demonstrating strong cohesion and collaboration. On the operational front, our dedicated workforce is exerting maximum effort and commitment. Consequently, I am confident that this collective endeavor will lead us to triumph.

Q: How likely is it that Rahul will become the Prime Minister if INDIA block wins on June 4, given his leadership position in the largest party within the INDIA bloc?

A: In the event of such circumstances, the leaders of the alliance will collectively make this decision.

Priyanka Gandhi Vadra Addressing an Election Rally on INDIA Bloc’s Guarantee for Women
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra Addressing an Election Rally on INDIA Bloc’s Guarantee for Women



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