Sunday, June 23, 2024
HomeEditors' PicksEmpowering Women Can Drive Two-Prong Development

Empowering Women Can Drive Two-Prong Development

Empowering women catalyzes development on two fronts: economic growth flourishes as women participate in the workforce, while societal progress thrives through enhanced gender equality and social justice initiatives

Pratap Narayan Shukla, the Founder and Secretary of Chakriya Vikas Pranali Sanstha (CVPS), drives the NGO’s success through strategic planning and execution. Since 2010, CVPS has been actively empowering rural women and youth across north India, particularly in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Delhi-NCR, through several activities, schemes, and projects.

In a recent dialogue with The Interview World, Pratap Narayan Shukla emphasized the collaborative efforts between CVPS and Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) in running a skill development program for women in Pata, located in the Auraiya district of Uttar Pradesh.

Q: Could you share the specific initiatives and projects you are undertaking in collaboration with GAIL to promote women’s empowerment?

A: In pursuit of GAIL’s CSR vision for the village of Pata, where the company has acquired 2,500 acres of land for a plant, we are collaborating with GAIL to implement a skill development program. This initiative targets the women whose land has been acquired, aiming to empower them towards greater economic independence. This program aims to equip these women with essential skills, fostering their capacity to thrive in diverse economic endeavors. Consequently, they can actively contribute to and benefit from the economic growth spurred by GAIL’s presence in the region. Together, we strive to create a sustainable and inclusive model of development, ensuring that the local community maximizes the opportunities arising from industrial expansion.

Q: What are this skill development program’s tangible effects and outcomes on its participants and the local community?

A: We’ve successfully trained 100 women to operate 20 handloom machines for weaving blankets, yielding an impressive production of 5,000 blankets annually. Additionally, we cater to the demand for bedsheets. The profits from this initiative are distributed among the 100 women involved, empowering them economically. As women achieve financial independence, their families reap the benefits, enhancing their socio-economic status.

Q: What’s the target market for these blankets?

A: We opt out of traditional market channels for product distribution. Instead, we participate in GAIL’s CSR initiative, procuring goods through them. These products are then channeled to underprivileged segments of society. By leveraging this avenue, we ensure our products reach those in need, contributing positively to societal welfare. This approach not only fosters social responsibility but also aligns with our commitment to making a meaningful impact on the lives of marginalized communities.

Q: What are some of the key projects you are involved in besides this one?

A: We’ve meticulously cultivated and nurtured over 100,000 trees across the landscape of Delhi-NCR and Dadri, fostering a lush and vibrant environment encircling NTPC Dadri. In tandem with this eco-initiative, CVPS has been steadfastly dedicated to sustaining a mid-day meal program in Auraiya and its neighboring areas for an extended period. These combined efforts not only beautify our surroundings but also serve the crucial needs of the community, ensuring their well-being and nourishment.

Q: What’s your key message for people focused on the social sector?

A: NGOs and voluntary organizations operating within the social sector play a pivotal role in advancing inclusive growth among communities. These entities must prioritize the empowerment of women, facilitating their journey towards financial independence through the acquisition of job-oriented skills. This strategic focus addresses two significant societal challenges. Firstly, it fosters gender parity by bolstering economic empowerment among women. Secondly, it promotes inclusive growth by reducing the prevalence of women’s oppression rooted in dependency on male breadwinners.

By emphasizing skill development and economic autonomy, these organizations not only contribute to individual prosperity but also catalyze broader social transformation. Through targeted interventions and support systems, they pave the way for a more equitable and empowered society, where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive.

Skilled Women of Chakriya Vikas Pranali Sanstha Weaving Blankets for Gaining Economic Independence
Skilled Women of Chakriya Vikas Pranali Sanstha Weaving Blankets for Gaining Economic Independence


  1. At one point I myself was involved from NTPC side for development & adoption of Chakriya Vikas Pranali and good results were produced with the help of Shree Pratap Narayan Shukla ji.
    My best wishes for further Process in over reach of hid efforts in the society & community.


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