The Interview World

Saveer Biotech Limited, an Indian science and technological firm established in 1978, specializes in providing turnkey solutions in cutting-edge greenhouses, seed innovation, and scientific research infrastructures. The company ensures clients benefit from the highest level of technology innovation and quality solutions for their crops. Over the past four decades, Saveer has diligently listened to the needs of growers. Through extensive research, they have strived to understand and address their requirements. Consequently, they have developed advanced technologies to meet these needs effectively.

By closely collaborating with scientists and biotechnologists, Saveer offers tailored solutions, tools, innovation, and reliable equipment to enhance their research outcomes and achieve their objectives efficiently. In response to their specific needs, they have designed custom greenhouses covered in glass and plastic, aimed at elevating their research endeavors. Moreover, Saveer delivers services encompassing designing, manufacturing, and commissioning projects on a turnkey basis, ensuring that clients receive fully functional facilities. With over 8200 successful installations worldwide, Saveer possesses a deep understanding of growers’ demands globally.

Continuously striving to innovate, we have expanded our product line to include cutting-edge technology solutions such as plug-type nursery production facilities, phytotrons, plant growth chambers, plant phenotyping solutions, artificial PAR spectrum lights, hydroponic systems, aeroponic systems, and vertical farming, among others.

During an exclusive interview with The Interview World, Srijan Sudan, who serves as the Head of Marketing and PR at Saveer Biotech Limited, discussed various aspects of their innovative technologies, research and development initiatives in horticulture, aeroponic solutions, market feedback, and strategic objectives. Here are the significant points highlighted during his interview.

Q: What products and technologies does your company offer specifically tailored for the horticulture sector?

A: Our company specializes in a diverse array of infrastructures, offering over 50 distinct products tailored to various needs. Currently, our efforts are concentrated on the development of greenhouses, including advanced high-tech solutions, as well as engaging in a range of research and development projects. As pioneers in the field, we collaborate closely with esteemed research organizations to establish state-of-the-art facilities such as speed breeding, phytotron, and plant phenotyping greenhouses on a turnkey basis. This collaborative approach ensures that we remain at the forefront of innovation in the industry.

Notably, Saveer holds the esteemed distinction of being the first company in India to establish a protected automated plug-type vegetable seedling nursery facility. With an impressive annual production capacity exceeding 52 crore saplings, this facility represents a significant milestone in our commitment to sustainable agriculture and technological advancement.

Q: What specific research and development initiatives are currently underway within the horticulture segment?

A: In recent years, the landscape of research and development infrastructures tailored for the Indian market has witnessed significant advancements. Among these, one standout innovation is the concept of speed breeding. This cutting-edge facility serves as a hub where diverse seed companies and rice growers converge. Traditionally, the process of developing a commercially viable seed spanned approximately 33 years for growers. However, with the advent of speed breeding technology, this cumbersome timeline has been dramatically condensed to a mere five years, showcasing a remarkable leap forward in agricultural innovation.

Furthermore, alongside the strides made in speed breeding, several other noteworthy infrastructural developments have emerged. These include the establishment of sophisticated plant phenotyping solutions facilities and state-of-the-art plant phytotron facilities. These facilities provide invaluable resources and tools for researchers and scientists to conduct in-depth studies and experiments on plant biology and environmental interactions.

Moreover, high-tech greenhouses have been specifically engineered to cater to the rigorous demands of research and development. Equipped with advanced climate control systems, powerful lighting solutions, and meticulous attention to other crucial factors, these greenhouses serve as controlled environments where researchers can explore and manipulate various variables to enhance crop yields, resilience, and sustainability in the face of evolving environmental challenges. Overall, these infrastructural advancements underscore India’s commitment to fostering innovation and progress in agriculture.

Q: What response are you receiving from both the industry and farmers regarding your product?

A: Currently, the market is at an early stage of development. This is because farmers face unique challenges, and the solutions available are largely high-tech. Primarily, corporate entities are the main users of these products. Concurrently, the government is actively endorsing these technologies. The aim is to pave the way for future adoption by farmers, when they have greater financial capacity. This characterizes the current stage of the market. Looking ahead, I foresee these technologies becoming increasingly integrated into everyday agricultural practices over the next decade.

Q: What aeroponics solutions do you offer?

A: So, over the past decade or so, we’ve been deeply involved in aeroponics. Our partnership with PepsiCo, particularly within their Frito-Lay division, has been ongoing for about 10 to 11 years. Frito-Lay, as you may know, specializes in potato chips. Through this collaboration, we’ve been providing them with aeroponics technology for quite some time now.

Currently, we’re engaged in another project with them, specifically in Punjab. This marks our tenth project with PepsiCo. In this venture, we’re utilizing aeroponics to cultivate potato tubers. This underscores the significance of our work in aeroponics, which remains a focal point for us.

Moreover, addressing the current needs of India is paramount. The production of potatoes in India is relatively limited. In Agra, there exists a regional branch of the International Potato Centre dedicated to potato research and development. It’s crucial to note that the potato supply in India is dwindling, with projections indicating potential shortages within the next 5 to 6 years.

The looming scarcity emphasizes the urgency of our efforts in innovating potato cultivation methods, such as aeroponics. Without proactive measures, the accessibility of potatoes for all consumers could be compromised.

Q: What emerging technologies are you currently considering or strategizing to incorporate into your plans?

A: In the current landscape, the technologies prevalent are markedly more advanced than what the Indian market currently provides. Western countries have embraced these technologies for decades, placing them significantly ahead, approximately 30-35 years ahead of our progress. Consequently, our primary objective lies in narrowing this considerable gap. Our strategy entails concerted efforts to compress these decades of difference into a mere decade. Through widespread educational initiatives spanning all levels of society, we endeavor to equip our populace with the necessary skills and knowledge. This proactive approach aims to foster innovation and propel us closer to parity with the leading technological advancements globally.

Greenhouse Installed by Saveer Biotech Limited at Bana, Raipur, Chhattisgarh Shows Agri Innovation
Greenhouse Installed by Saveer Biotech Limited at Bana, Raipur, Chhattisgarh Shows Agri Innovation
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