The Interview World

Kanika SK Rehalan, known as Kanika Rehal, is a highly accomplished corporate leader. She boasts an impressive career trajectory, having held prominent positions in renowned financial institutions worldwide, including Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Barclays, Bank of New York (BNY), and GE Capital. Currently, she holds the position of Director at the esteemed CIRND Federation and serves as Chief Consultant at Kanika’s Consulting. Leveraging her background as a former Director at UBS, she brings a wealth of experience to her current roles.

Kanika excels in providing invaluable insights for shaping policies, streamlining operations, and driving transformations within the global corporate landscape. Her leadership has been instrumental in spearheading major initiatives, establishing robust governance frameworks, and implementing significant process enhancements across various corporate entities. Additionally, she actively shares her expertise through interventions and workshops as a Chief Mentor, offering practical industry insights and nurturing future leaders.

In addition to her outstanding corporate achievements, Kanika is highly regarded for her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as corporate social responsibility. As the chair of the Global Women Leaders’ Force Network, she brings together her extensive experience and versatile perspective, blending strategic leadership, financial innovation, and coaching proficiency. As an insightful visionary, Kanika is dedicated to driving change through effective governance, transformative initiatives, and mentorship for global business leaders.

In a distinguished discussion with The Interview World, Kanika SK Rehalan illuminates the contemporary terrain of talent enhancement and skill cultivation within the BFSI sector. She elucidates the challenges in skill development, emphasizes the necessity of industry-academia synergy, underscores the significance of emerging technologies in BFSI skill enhancement, proposes strategies for bolstering cybersecurity, highlights the innovative strides made by fintech startups, and emphasizes the regulatory framework vital for nurturing the fintech sector. Here, we encapsulate the pivotal insights gleaned from her interview.

Q: Can you elaborate on the current landscape of talent empowerment and skill development within the BFSI sector in India?

A: The landscape of talent empowerment and skill development within India’s BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) sector is rapidly evolving in response to significant technological advancements and regulatory changes. This evolution underscores a growing emphasis on upskilling and reskilling the workforce to meet the demands of the digital age while ensuring strict adherence to regulatory compliances and protecting customer interests.

Institutions operating within the BFSI sector are increasingly recognizing the importance of nurturing a workforce equipped with a diverse range of competencies. They seek individuals who not only possess technical proficiency but also demonstrate strong soft skills crucial for navigating the complexities of the industry. Consequently, there is a heightened focus on developing a talent pool that strikes the right balance between technical expertise and interpersonal abilities. This approach is essential for organizations to remain competitive and innovative in a dynamic and constantly evolving environment. By investing in talent development initiatives, BFSI institutions aim to cultivate a workforce capable of driving growth, fostering customer trust, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of the financial services industry.

Q: What specific challenges do you foresee in achieving the skill development goals set for the BFSI sector in alignment with India Vision 2047?

A: In today’s dynamic landscape, the swift evolution of technology presents a formidable challenge. The rapid pace of change demands a continuous acquisition of updated skills to remain relevant and competitive. Furthermore, the regulatory framework within the sector is in a state of flux, necessitating ongoing learning and adaptation to comply with new standards and guidelines. It is imperative to ensure that the workforce is adequately prepared to navigate these shifting sands, as their proficiency will be pivotal in achieving organizational objectives.

Harnessing emerging technologies offers immense potential for innovation and growth. However, it is essential to approach this with caution and foresight, as these advancements also bring about new threats and challenges. Proactive measures, backed by specialized skills, are indispensable in mitigating risks and maximizing opportunities. Therefore, investing in ongoing training and development programs is paramount to equip individuals with the expertise needed to thrive in this ever-changing environment.

Q: How can the industry collaborate with academia and government bodies to bridge the skill gap in the BFSI sector?

A: To propel growth and innovation within the industry, it is essential to establish deeper collaborative relationships between academia and industry stakeholders. This collaboration should encompass a range of activities, including internships, where students gain practical experience in real-world settings; guest lectures, which allow industry experts to share insights and knowledge with students; support in designing curricula that align with industry needs; and research partnerships that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

Partnerships between academia and industry play a critical role in fostering synergy and driving progress. Additionally, policy incentives aimed at enhancing skill development can serve as catalysts for these collaborative efforts, incentivizing both academia and industry to invest in cultivating the skills necessary for future success.

By working together, these stakeholders can ensure that the workforce is equipped with the right skills and knowledge to navigate the evolving landscape of the industry, driving growth and innovation forward.

Q: In your opinion, what role do emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and data analytics play in shaping the skill requirements of the BFSI workforce for the future?

A: As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of emerging technologies, there arises a pressing need to prioritize the development of skills pertinent to fields like AI/ML, analytics, cybersecurity, blockchain, and cloud computing. This necessitates a continuous commitment to upskilling and reskilling. Offering on-the-job training opportunities tailored to these new technologies is essential, empowering employees to adapt and thrive in rapidly changing environments.

Moreover, fostering a culture of lifelong learning within organizations can ensure that the workforce remains agile and informed, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities presented by innovation. Simultaneously, educational institutions must revamp their curricula to incorporate digital literacy, analytical thinking, and critical problem-solving skills from the earliest stages of learning. By equipping individuals with these foundational competencies, we can build a workforce prepared to not only navigate but also drive the future of technology-driven industries.

Q: With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats targeting the BFSI sector, what measures should organizations prioritize to enhance their cybersecurity posture?

A: In navigating the complex landscape of cyber threats, a comprehensive approach is indispensable. Robust cyber-risk frameworks serve as the foundational pillars, establishing guidelines and protocols for risk management. Continuous 24/7 security monitoring ensures vigilant oversight, promptly identifying and mitigating potential threats. Regular audits further enhance the efficacy of these measures, providing insights into areas for improvement and compliance adherence.

Investing in continuous employee training is paramount, empowering staff with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to evolving threats effectively. Complementary awareness campaigns reinforce this training, fostering a culture of cybersecurity consciousness throughout the organization.

Moreover, defense-in-depth strategies, bolstered by advancements in AI/ML technologies, offer multi-layered protection against sophisticated attacks. Collaboration across industries and with cybersecurity experts facilitates real-time threat intelligence sharing, enabling proactive responses to emerging risks.

By integrating these elements, organizations can fortify their defenses and effectively combat the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Q: How do fintech startups contribute to innovation and disruption within the BFSI sector, and what opportunities do they create for talent empowerment and skill development?

A: Fintech startups are at the forefront of driving innovation within the financial sector, leveraging their agility, consumer-centric approach, and specialized offerings. Collaborating with these startups presents traditional BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance) institutions with valuable opportunities to access cutting-edge technologies and novel business models. This collaboration enables them to adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving landscape, ensuring their relevance and competitiveness.

However, amidst this pursuit of innovation, it is crucial for all parties involved to place a heightened emphasis on security protocols. With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats and data breaches, robust security measures must be implemented across all levels of operation. Only by addressing these security concerns can the full potential of fintech innovation be realized while safeguarding the integrity and trust of the financial system. Thus, a balanced approach that combines innovation with security is essential for the sustainable advancement of the industry.

Q: What regulatory considerations should fintech startups and traditional BFSI institutions keep in mind as they navigate the evolving regulatory landscape in India?

A: Effectively managing data privacy and protection risks, staying vigilant against cyber threats, and ensuring strong consumer protection safeguards are essential for both fintech startups and traditional BFSI institutions. They must align with evolving regulations across financial sub-sectors and maintain robust governance and risk frameworks.

As fintech startups and traditional BFSI institutions navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape in India, they must address various regulatory aspects. This involves ensuring compliance with existing regulations, staying updated on regulatory changes, and adopting best practices in data protection and customer privacy. Furthermore, fostering a culture of compliance and transparency within their organizations can help build trust with regulators and customers alike.

Reimagining the BFSI Sector through the Eyes of Fintech Startups
Reimagining the BFSI Sector through the Eyes of Fintech Startups
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