The Interview World

Alok Kumar, a leading documentary maker in India working with AK Productions, reflects how his documentaries have impacted society in addressing the contemporary issues by generating awareness among the masses. Here is a first-hand interaction with T.I.W.

#1. How many documentaries have you made till date and what’s your role?

I have already created over 100s of documentaries across several genres and I am involved in almost all dimensions of documentary making process including #scripting, screen-playing, #direction, and #postproduction.

#2. What are the categories of documentaries that you are addressing?

We are working on a wide range of categories including but not limited to bilateral relationship between India & other countries, social issues, #art & #culture, #healthcare, geopolitical issues, and what not.

#3. Which Ministries you are working with for creating documentaries?

We are working with Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, PSBT, DD, United Nations Development Programme – UNDP, Save the Children, U.K., and many other organisations.

#4. What kind of campaigns that you executed through your documentaries?

We have conducted campaigns on #AIDS, Indo-Europe relationship, survivors of #Mumbai terror attack, to name a few.

#5. Which documentaries performed the best and impacted the society according to you?

Documentaries like #Palimpsest: India and Europe, a documentary on India in the heart of Europe; #SurvivingTerror, a film on the survivors of the Mumbai terror attack; #Tsunami; #Drought; and While the Sentinel Sleeps, a documentary on AIDS have impacted the society significantly.

#6. What’s your message for the aspiring documentary makers?

The aspiring documentary makers should focus on several factors such as the audience analysis, digging out the facts, building an enchanting script, recreating the #visuals, #presentation, #screenplay, and impact on the target audience or society at large.

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